In this sermon, you are reminded that as a follower of Christ, you are called to live from a place of victory, not striving to achieve it on your own. Jesus assured His disciples in John 16 that, despite the trials and tribulations of this world, He has overcome. You are encouraged to embrace this truth, recognizing that your battles have already been won through Christ’s finished work on the cross. The Holy Spirit has been given to you as a helper, empowering you to face any challenge with faith and courage. Trust in His guidance, knowing that you are not fighting alone, but with the power of God at work within you.
You are also urged to let go of fear and to rely fully on the Holy Spirit’s conviction and guidance. Just as Jesus prepared His disciples for the hardships they would face, He is preparing you to stand firm in your faith. This life will bring difficulties, but through the Holy Spirit, you have the strength to overcome them. Jesus’ words remind you that He has already judged the powers of darkness, and their defeat is certain. So be encouraged: with the Spirit’s power, you can live boldly, fight bravely, and experience the peace of knowing that victory is yours in Christ.
Scriptures Referenced
John 16:1-15
Jesus Warns and Comforts His Disciples
“These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble. They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service. And these things they will do to you because they have not known the Father nor Me. But these things I have told you, that when the time comes, you may remember that I told you of them.
“And these things I did not say to you at the beginning, because I was with you.
The Work of the Holy Spirit
“But now I go away to Him who sent Me, and none of you asks Me, ‘Where are You going?’ But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: of sin, because they do not believe in Me; of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged.
“I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you.
John 16:33
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
Video Transcription
00:00:01:14 – 00:00:24:20
All right. Thank you Melissa. Thank you Dennis. Appreciate you all this morning. Thank you. All you y’all can be seated. If you brought your Bible this morning. Open to revelation chapter 21. I’m going to preach from the book of Revelation today, one of those books in the Bible that most preachers don’t like to preach from because it’s controversial.
00:00:24:22 – 00:00:44:15
But it shouldn’t be controversial because the Lord Jesus himself appeared to John and said, write these things. When you read the book of revelation, it’s it’s a revelation of Jesus Christ. It’s who he is. It’s what he has done, what he is doing and what he’s going to do. And so we’ll get into revelation 21, in just a second.
00:00:44:18 – 00:01:08:28
While you’re turning there, I need to share a few announcements with you. A few few things that I want to bring your attention to first are some prayer request, and I know there may be a lot more. Forgive me if I don’t mention, a prayer need you have I know, God knows. And if you’ll let me or one of our prayer team know before you leave here today, we will certainly pray with you and pray for you and your family.
00:01:09:05 – 00:01:27:07
I want you to remember our friend Ryan Arnold. He had to go this week back home to Illinois. His grandfather was very sick, just got off the phone or texting with him. He’ll be there back and doing okay. And I asked you last week to pray for them, and. And then Kenneth. Kid. Where are you, buddy?
00:01:27:14 – 00:01:46:19
Kate Williams right there. One of our bull riders. He lost his grandma all this morning. I was, visiting with him just this morning. Already out here in front of the church. And you pray for he and his family, during this time of loss. Because I know that’s got to be heartbreaking, but I’m so thankful that that young man could have been anywhere today.
00:01:46:22 – 00:02:09:29
But he’s in church, and we love you, Kenny. We’re praying for you, buddy. I’m praying for you. And then Stephen South, I’m glad to have him and his wife back with us today. I asked you last week to pray for he and his family, and I ask you to continue to lift him up. Stephen’s dad went home to be with the Lord a little over a week ago and and just lift him up in prayer through this still, this time of sorrow and grief.
00:02:10:01 – 00:02:27:25
But he also greeted me with a smile this morning because he knows where his dad’s at. And, we’re glad for the hope we have in Jesus. But just continue to pray for him. And then, Miranda miller, who’s normally our. But she’s normally the girl running the sound back there. Appreciate Gator Nathan in the back doing that.
00:02:27:25 – 00:02:43:15
And they’re doing a good job. But we pray for Miranda. She’s really sick. But a number of people in the church this week sick. And, maybe you’ve got family and friends that are sick. Let’s just don’t forget to pray and pray for her healing. And then last but not least, pray for Tyler Castor, another one of our bull riders.
00:02:43:28 – 00:03:12:16
He’s in the hospital today as we speak and may be there a while, but I ask you just to continue to lift him up. He was in an accident earlier in the week, and we’re just grateful he’s alive and just praying for complete total restoration, healing both body and mind for him. And then I want to ask you this in just a few short weeks, and if you’re not following the 80s to Glory Facebook page, pull out your phone now and follow it.
00:03:12:16 – 00:03:35:11
Okay, that’s that’s our bull riding ministry. And through that you’ll see the advertisement where in just a few short weeks we have our veterans event coming up. And you say what we mean veterans event. We’re having a bull riding school and Bible camp for veterans, men and women who have served in the military. And we have an opportunity to serve them by, teaching them some bull.
00:03:35:11 – 00:03:53:29
Right. And you say, well, what in the world would they want to get on a bull for? I don’t know, I did it, but I still don’t know. But except I remember years ago, we did one here, and I got this guy that’s been sticking around ever since. And his name is Brendan Parmenter. Gators. And right back there in the back, we ain’t been able to get rid of him since.
00:03:54:01 – 00:04:15:17
Not that we want to. And he brought Nicole with him so it was a bonus. But God has really blessed us in giving us the opportunity to minister to him. And so not not just coming week came in the week. And following, will be that. And so I want you to mark your calendars for that Saturday night where we’ll be having more on school Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
00:04:15:17 – 00:04:33:03
But that Saturday, they’re going to conclude with these guys kind of competing against each other as a bull riding. And I want to ask you as a church, right now to go ahead and mark your calendars and, and plan to be here that evening. Hey, what time is that? The bull runs at 730. I want you to come out.
00:04:33:03 – 00:04:52:13
And I would ask you, as well as any cowboy church, that we come out and show our support to these men and women who have served in the military and provided us the freedom that we enjoyed today. And let’s encourage them. Let’s be here to lift them up. And, and it’ll be a great, great afternoon. And it’s free to come watch.
00:04:52:13 – 00:05:17:01
Okay. Free to come watch. And if you want to help in any way in that event, please see Gator Nicole right after church and just let them know you’re available. And if they have a need, they’ll tell you I always believe a need seen is an assignment given. Amen. I don’t need a whole lot of details. Just tell me where God needs me, and I’m jumping in both feet with him, saying it don’t matter.
00:05:17:03 – 00:05:32:21
I’m going to paddle like a little dog for Jesus glory. And I’m going to do it. All right. And I hope you’re that way, too. And I can’t think of a better thing to be part of than this veterans event coming up. And above all things, I want you to pray. You pray for God’s favor and blessing upon it.
00:05:32:21 – 00:05:52:28
Pray for the protection of those guys and ladies that are coming. But you also pray for the Holy Spirit to move mightily in their lives and through this opportunity to share the gospel with them, to teach them, and help them grow. We got guys I was talking to Gator of the dangers. Tell me we got guys, ladies coming from all different walks of life in all different places in their walk.
00:05:52:28 – 00:06:08:05
Some of them may not even have a walk with Jesus. Some of them are on their journey, but they need some encouragement. They need some help. We’ve got some great, guys coming in that are going to help not only teach the bull run part, but teach them the scriptures and help them grow for the glory of God.
00:06:08:05 – 00:06:37:05
So you please, please pray. Begin to pray now for that event. And then this coming weekend, this coming Saturday, right here, Decatur to West County Fairgrounds to Rodeo Arena is to see why as cowboys youth bull riders that I shared with you last week, how we’ve got involved with Clay Johnson in that group. And, I’ve been so grateful for the opportunity Clay has given us to let our US share the gospel there.
00:06:37:05 – 00:06:56:25
Like we have just total freedom to do that. And it’s a whole other group, an audience. And normally what we have here in church and it’s an outreach and, some of our guys have done already and some are going to be up this weekend. I’m kind of like the coach. I’m like putting different players in and there they’re just hitting home runs and running touchdowns.
00:06:56:25 – 00:07:15:16
It’s been good and it’s going to keep going on for about two more months. But this Saturday, I hope you mark your calendar and come out. Some of our young bull riders will be riding there. They have sheep riding, calf friends, deer riding, junior steers and bull riding. We have all the bulls. We also have our church bulls up there.
00:07:15:18 – 00:07:30:21
And, I hope you can come out, you and your family and support our guys. Come visit. Come be part of it. All right? If you want to get involved and help. We got some places we can plug you in. I told him about us, I said, and when I made the deal with him, I said, look, we want to come.
00:07:30:21 – 00:07:50:00
We want to help. I said, I can promise you, everybody from Ross County will be there to serve. That’s our heartbeat is to serve. And, he’s given us just open door an opportunity to share the gospel with people, to minister as God leads us without any fear. Oh, I got to dismiss the kids. Yeah. Oh, my. Martin.
00:07:50:07 – 00:08:17:14
Yeah. I’m sorry. Yo, I’m trying to keep the microphone. There we go. That’s better. I’m in training, y’all. All right, so just bear with me. Bear with me, bear with me. We’ve had some trouble with those shut ins in our church that listen to the online service. And them not being able to hear. And part of that problem is because I don’t hold them in the right place, but I’m my left sitting there giving me, and, you know, she’s telling me to take a drink or what?
00:08:17:16 – 00:08:42:29
There’s probably a spit bottle. No kidding. But, so that’s just. We can see where we are at 5:00 at the Wise County Fairgrounds. And then I also want to invite you. What I do with is I want to invite you to something really special, really cool. Here, this coming Tuesday, not not tomorrow, but Tuesday. Not only, but Tuesday.
00:08:43:05 – 00:09:08:06
So that would be Tuesday. This Tuesday at the Aurora Baptist Church, which is over in Aurora between Rome and Boyd. There is a countywide prayer and worship for our cities and counties and the United States. That’s September 17th, this Tuesday. And it’s going to be a really great event because, let me tell you about a word Baptist Church.
00:09:08:08 – 00:09:31:24
If you like Pastor Jeff Taggert, you’ll love Aurora Baptist Church, because that’s where I was called to preach and where I was ordained. My pastor, Jimmy Withers, pastors at church. And so I would invite you to come there Tuesday night, Tuesday night at 630. It’s prayer and worship, but they have a guest speaker in whom Quinta and I had the privilege a year and a half ago, two years ago, to sit down and have lunch with him.
00:09:32:01 – 00:09:50:19
Pastor Rafael Cruz, you may recognize the last name because his son is our senator and Texas Senator Ted Cruz. And, if you wonder where we stand politically, we don’t we don’t support baby killing and we don’t support people. Don’t know what women are. Okay, you all know where I stand. I don’t mind telling you. I make no apologies for that.
00:09:50:25 – 00:10:12:23
And, I believe our nation needs to come to Jesus. I believe we need to return to prayer and call out, in prayer, the needs of our country. Can I just tell you straight up, the Democrat Party and the Republican Party won’t be able to save this country. The only hope America has is not in a political party, but it’s in a person.
00:10:12:23 – 00:10:30:01
Jesus Christ. And we need to call on his name and friends. We need to do it soon. We need to do it soon. By the way, while I’m on that subject, if you have not registered to vote, please do so. Please do so. I just mentioned the veterans event that’s coming up. Think about this. There’s men and women sitting in this auditorium.
00:10:30:01 – 00:10:46:07
That matter of fact, would you just stand up? If you’ve served in our military, I want you to stand up for just a moment. You’ve served our military. Just a moment. Yep. There you go. I want you to look around the room. One. Give them a hand. Hey, thank you all. We love you. And I’m telling you, I want you wanted them to stand.
00:10:46:09 – 00:11:07:18
Those men and women who have fought and defended the freedom that I have today. And you have to assemble freely to worship Jesus as we see fit. And I can preach whatever I want to preach in my freedom of speech. And you have the freedom to hear, because we live in a nation that is founded upon biblical principles.
00:11:07:24 – 00:11:30:16
By the way, giving rights, not by the government, not by man, but by God, so that we can express our freedom to worship as we see fit. If those men and women can go and fight and defend our freedom, we certainly should be able to go and vote. Vote. That’s all you gotta do. Pray about it. You don’t know who to vote for.
00:11:30:16 – 00:11:53:11
Come see me. I got some strong suggestions. Okay. Amen. All right, then I knew the message. Hope you didn’t start your clock yet, because I’m not going yet. All right, all right, y’all get me wound up for I get started. All right. Revelation 21. That’s where we’re going to be this morning. Don’t forget this afternoon, 230 bull rider, the bull riding.
00:11:53:19 – 00:12:15:16
If you have not been able to come, I hope you can bring out your family. We’ve got some new bookings stopped yesterday. They’re about this tall. They’re all three sheep. All right, so it’s going to get wild in Western up there today. And I do want to ask you to pray. We we constantly I’m needing more bulls up there.
00:12:15:16 – 00:12:34:27
We’ve got 12 bulls. And bless their heart them dudes are bucking all they can. We we took the load off for two sheep and got five. Now total we got. And but we still we need to add to that herd. And and I don’t have to tell you those expenses for the church are enormous. Those to feeding them, caring for them.
00:12:35:00 – 00:12:54:10
Go up there. You ain’t going to see a skinny animal. You’re not going to see a mistreated animal. You’re going to see and you’re going to see animals that are well taken care of because they’re in the ministry. But you pray for this ministry. Pray for a sickness of glory ministry. God is blessing us. I cannot begin to tell you, matter of fact, what?
00:12:54:10 – 00:13:06:28
I’m on to those 30 o’clock yet. This is. This is beautiful. Gabriel, is Gabriel here today?
00:13:07:00 – 00:13:34:28
Oh, man. Okay. Gabriel, who’s one of our writers? His dad’s a PBR bow writer. Brazilian Gabriel’s here. Gabriel was here last Sunday. Matter of fact, we baptized him last Sunday. Right. And, pray for him. He was in a car wreck and broke his arm, but if you know anything about Brazil or Brazilians and a lot of the Brazilian guys that come over here, they don’t speak Spanish.
00:13:34:28 – 00:14:00:09
He actually speak Portuguese. And so Monday night and our bull rider Bible study that we have, we had, I don’t know what 20, 21 boys gathered around and some other adults and kids and some girls there and, but and so Cody was teaching and as he’s teaching, one of the other Brazilian kids was translating because about 6 or 7 of them were Brazilian and they were translating in Portuguese.
00:14:00:09 – 00:14:18:15
So he would read part of his lesson, and then this kid would translate or he’d read part of the scripture, and then this kid would translate. And then so we called on Gabriel, who just got saved not long ago and then got baptized last week, and we said, Gabriel, would you pray? And I could tell when I asked him that he was, you know, a little bit because he didn’t know how his English would go.
00:14:18:15 – 00:14:41:00
And I said, just praying in Portuguese. And, man, he begin to pray. And you talk about the Holy Spirit kept my hair on my head. I don’t even have much. But it all stood up, all right. I mean, every hair I had stood up, I’m like, whoa, that’s powerful. So I’m just giving you that a little bit of what God is doing every week through this ministry.
00:14:41:03 – 00:15:02:15
It is a blessing. God is using this. Someone said, well, you know anything other than bull, right? Nope. That’s just the vehicle God gave me to drive. If he gives me another one, will drive that one too. But that’s the one he’s giving us right now. And we’re reaching. These kids come out today at 230. You’ll see a bunch of them gathered up there like this crowd is this is awesome.
00:15:02:17 – 00:15:27:23
But when you come up there, you’re going to see a lot bigger crowd, okay? And God is really using. All right. Revelation 21. Now you start your clock. I’m out of time. I’m going to preach fast. Revelation 21. Don’t worry. I’ll get you out of here. I heard the Methodist church and then the Baptist church and the Church of Christ and the Presbyterians.
00:15:27:23 – 00:15:49:07
They all get out at 1130. They were already have gone through the lunch line time you get there. Okay. You got it’s wide open for lunch for y’all. All right. Don’t worry. Some of y’all get that in a minute. All right. Revelation 21. Revelation is a difficult book of the Bible sometimes to understand it, let me say this.
00:15:49:14 – 00:16:15:04
There’s a promise in there that says, blessed is those who are. Blessed are those who read this book. Okay, so there’s blessing in reading revelation. I don’t want you to ever be afraid of reading revelation. I don’t want you to ever be afraid of just reading the Bible. We live in a time today where it seems like our world, our culture, our nation, whoever we have such knowledge about everything but except the Bible.
00:16:15:07 – 00:16:40:28
And I just want to encourage you of all things this morning. Spend time every day reading your Bible, reading God’s Word. There’s power because you don’t need a commentary. You don’t need a Baptist. You need a message. You need the cavalry unit. You don’t need anybody to come in on it. Just read it and see what God says, because I promise you, he will speak and speak loudly and speak volumes to you by reading His Word.
00:16:41:01 – 00:17:03:09
So revelation is one of those books. While I’m not suggested to a brand new believer, say you got saved yesterday. I wouldn’t say start in revelation. That might be a little difficult for you unless the Lord was leading you. But. But as you learn the Bible, revelation is extremely critical because it tells us, as John wrote, he’s on this isle called Patmos.
00:17:03:09 – 00:17:26:27
It was maybe the modern day Alcatraz, even though Alcatraz any existence anymore. But it was it was like that. He’d been he’d been dipped in oil because they couldn’t kill him. They were trying to they dipped him in oil and they because he was preaching the gospel. And when it didn’t kill him, they sent him out to this isle called Pat, where they dropped off all these convicts and criminals, and they left him there to die.
00:17:26:29 – 00:17:50:03
Now, take that scenario and understand. So he’s sitting there on that island. He’s been beaten. He’s been dipped in oil in bold, alive. And yet he lived. And the Bible says on the Lord’s Day, he was in the spirit. He was in the spirit. He was worshiping Jesus. I get a little worried about people who tell me they’re a Christian and they never go to church.
00:17:50:06 – 00:18:08:18
I’m not talking about missing church or something like I’m talking about this. Never go to church. Well, I don’t go to church. I don’t need church. Will tell John that this dude had every excuse. You could have had to not be in the spirit on the Lord’s day worshiping. And he was worshiping Jesus. And guess what happened? Jesus showed up.
00:18:08:18 – 00:18:26:25
Can I just tell you when you worship him, he will show up. Whenever you call upon him, he will show up. And so he’s worshiping and Jesus appears to him. He says, John, get you a pen. I want you to write some things down. And boom! He begin to write and God begin to give him a vision. And that’s where we get the book of revelation.
00:18:27:01 – 00:18:48:01
Revelation is about in times, but it’s not so much about the end times as it is revealing to us who Jesus is. See, we got introduced to him in the Gospels, but revelation tells us he he came as a Savior, but when he comes back, he’s coming as the King of kings. And the Lord of Lords. He won’t come to suffer this time.
00:18:48:05 – 00:19:11:12
He’s coming to rule and to reign. And so whenever you read revelation, it tells us who Christ is. So when you get to revelation 21, a lot of things have happened. If you go further through the first three books of revelation chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, you have you have Jesus talking to seven literal churches that were in Asia.
00:19:11:20 – 00:19:34:08
And of those seven churches, he admonishes them and encourages them. And those seven churches actually represent seven dispensations of church age. During the time. And by the way, you say, well, which one are we? Where do they ought to see in church age? We’re in that last church age. But by the way, the lay out to see in church was a lukewarm church.
00:19:34:10 – 00:19:57:17
Well, he’s talking to them. He shares it. And then you go a little bit further and you get a revelation, for you have the church that’s raptured out into heaven. And then you begin what’s called the seven year tribulation period. You’ve all heard of that. And in that he tells us what’s going on in earth. The wrath of God is being poured out upon man and the sinfulness, because man won’t repent and believe the gospel.
00:19:57:17 – 00:20:22:13
And and Jesus said of that time that if that time was not shortened, that no flesh would survive. In other words, if God didn’t limit it to seven years, nobody would live through it. But in that seven year tribulation period, something happens. The armies of the world gather against Israel. Listen to me closely. If you turn on the news today, you read your your your feet, your news feeds on your phone.
00:20:22:15 – 00:20:45:06
Pay close attention to what’s going on in Israel today. Pay close attention to what politicians are saying, because if you want to know where we are in in time prophecy, just look to Israel. If you want to know where the second hand of God is on in time prophecy, just look to Jerusalem. And whenever you see that, you’ll see that we’re marching toward.
00:20:45:06 – 00:21:13:14
I mean, we’re not just marching. We’re running toward this moment that you and I have heard of called Armageddon, where the armies of the world have turned against the nation of Israel, and they come, led by the Antichrist himself, to overthrow, for once and for all, overthrow Israel. And do away with the people of God. But just in that moment, everything you’ve read in your Bible, the reason Israel has always been important is because God said, I will protect Israel.
00:21:13:17 – 00:21:32:00
They are my chosen people and you mark this down as sure as I stand here today. When that moment comes, when it looks like Israel’s fate is sealed from the heavens, come, Jesus Christ, he’s riding on the water was. I knew he was a cowboy. He’s riding on a white horse and no saints of God are coming with him.
00:21:32:05 – 00:21:54:04
If you don’t know how to ride a horse, you better learn quick, because we coming riding on a horse with him, and he’s coming to make war against those who make war against Israel. And the Bible says out of his mouth he slays them, and the blood will run as deep in the valley of Megiddo as a horse’s bridle, and he will utterly destroy all of those who have come against Israel.
00:21:54:04 – 00:22:13:21
He will have kept his covenant promise to Israel. You want to know why Israel is so important? God made a covenant with the little bitty, insignificant nation and he said, I will keep my word if God won’t keep His word to them. What makes you think you’ll keep His Word to you? But the very fact is that he keeps his word to them.
00:22:13:26 – 00:22:40:17
It’s a declaration that God is a covenant keeping God. He keeps his promise. Whatever he said, he will do. And so when you read that, you find that he comes and he makes war and he destroys the armies and the world, and then you get to revelation 20, and the thousand years have gone by. And now what we call the the thousand year millennial reign of Christ on this earth.
00:22:40:19 – 00:23:09:27
And then at the end of that, the Bible says that the dead, the dead are raised, not born about the dead in Christ. They’ve already been raised for only in chapter four. But the dead who did not know God are raised body, soul, and spirit, and they’re reunited as one. And they stand in the great throne room of God, the great White Throne judgment.
00:23:10:02 – 00:23:30:08
And the Bible says they’re judged according to the things written in the books. Which books? Well, I’m pretty sure one of them is the Bible. But then it talks about this great book called The Book of Life. And whosoever name was not found written in the Lamb’s Book of Life was bound by the angels and cast into the lake of fire forever and ever.
00:23:30:10 – 00:23:54:01
We call that the Great White Throne judgment. And then revelation 21. So I had to set this. I had to set the scene for you. Revelation 21. And this is what it says. John says, now I saw a new heaven and a new earth. How many of you know what we are looking toward? And for a new heaven and a new earth?
00:23:54:09 – 00:24:17:26
How many of you know that? Well, some in our world and culture today. And by the way, the whole world, they’re crying out climate change, global warming. It used to be global cooling. I mean, I don’t know what they’re smoking. They can’t get it right. But something’s wrong with the climate. Well, just go read Romans and you’ll find out that the whole creation is groaning in anticipation for the redemption that Jesus is bringing.
00:24:17:26 – 00:24:42:16
When he comes for this world that’s falling apart, you say, how did it fall apart? If you go back to Genesis, when God made the earth, he spoke it into existence. Remember that if you ever read the book of Genesis, chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, When God made the earth, he also made the animals. And then on the sixth day he did what he made, man, and what he did different with man than he did with the animals in the earth.
00:24:42:16 – 00:25:04:18
And we spoke all that into existence. But he took a piece of dirt, and he and he formed a man. And then God himself breathed into that man and made man. I think I mentioned this last week, or maybe in our Bible study, I don’t remember. I have trouble remembering sometimes what I preached the week before. Bear with me.
00:25:04:20 – 00:25:22:07
So what makes us different than the animals? I was listening? I was listening this week on TikTok or Facebook, and there was, Charlie Kirk. Don’t know if you know him. You ought to listen to him. He’s a really smart guy and a great Christian. And Charlie Kirk was, I think it was at Berkeley, and he was on one of the major Ivy League universities.
00:25:22:07 – 00:25:45:11
Not much different than either one of them, but he’s there. Were there supposed to be a bunch of smart people? Okay. And he’s interviewing some kids now, I understand some kids don’t have wisdom. I didn’t have much wisdom at that age either. But he’s he’s interviewing and this kid says, well, what difference is it if you if you abort a baby in the womb or you kill an animal?
00:25:45:13 – 00:26:12:15
What? You don’t know the difference in a man, a human being and an animal. But then he makes this statement. Now y’all gotta understand I’m from the country, so bear with me. This blew my mind. I’m like, I knew we were stupid in this country, but I know we got down to that level. He says, well, it’s kind of like, what’s the difference in raping a small child and raping a cow because they rape cows to milk them?
00:26:12:18 – 00:26:29:28
Now, I’ve heard some crazy stuff. When I was growing up. Some boys did some crazy things in the barn, but I ain’t never heard of raping a cow to milk it. But that dumb kid thought that. You say, well, you shouldn’t call him dumb or what else we would call it. What else? You rape cows to milk them.
00:26:29:28 – 00:26:51:02
What’s wrong with you? But. But what struck me was they didn’t even know the difference. This kid and many of his buddies are standing around like. Yeah, yeah, yeah, like, are you kidding me? You are so far from a biblical worldview that you don’t know the difference in a human being and an animal, but let me tell you the difference.
00:26:51:04 – 00:27:13:07
God breathed the breath of life into a man. He knew that for the animals. How many of you know that whenever you read Genesis, God didn’t even name the animals he made, the animals that he made man. And he brought Adam. He said, madam, look, I’m gonna bring all these animals before you and you name them. Why? Because he said, I’ve given you dominion over the whole earth.
00:27:13:09 – 00:27:37:16
You did. You did. You know that animals did not kill each other, nor did they kill man or man. Kill animals until after the fall. Did you know that there was nothing on earth that died until Adam sinned? You know why that is? Because God gave man Adam dominion over the whole earth. God. God is an addict. I’m giving you dominion, buddy.
00:27:37:18 – 00:28:04:10
But when Adam sinned, it affected everything under his dominion. And from that moment, the Bible tells us about one man entered into the world and death by sin. So what Adam did in the garden is he threw away the authority and the dominion that God had given him. He gave it over to Satan. Thus the Bible tells us that when Jesus came, Jesus was called the second Adam.
00:28:04:13 – 00:28:30:17
Why? Because God had given him dominion in the sortie. And when he laid down his life and he took it up again, he resurrected. God had redeemed what Adam lost. And whenever you and I become believers, God restores us with that dominion and that authority that Adam lost in the garden. That’s why when Jesus looked at his disciples, he says, guys, I want you to remember something.
00:28:30:19 – 00:28:54:04
You are salt and your light in the world. What did he mean by that? Salt preserves decay and light exposes darkness. You know why the world’s getting darker and darker? Because Christians aren’t being salty. We’re not being very much light. We have it grasp the fact that we are to walk in dominion and authority, and that we have that, and that we know it was given away by the first Adam.
00:28:54:09 – 00:29:09:20
It was redeemed by the second Adam. And when you and I become believers, we have authority. And so I want you to know, even though when you look around the world today and the world is falling apart, is there such thing as climate change? You bet. So. But it’s not because the cows fart and you run in your truck.
00:29:09:27 – 00:29:46:06
It’s because of sin. Sin affects everything. And so when Jesus comes, he’s coming to renew all things. He’s coming to start everything over. When you go back to the book of Genesis and by the way, I always say, if you want to understand revelation, you go back to Genesis in Genesis, God made a perfect world, a world of no decay, no sin, no corruption, no none of the things you and I experience today.
00:29:46:08 – 00:30:05:21
But when Jesus comes, he’s going to redeem all creation, and he’s going to make a new heaven and a new earth. And he says, for the first heaven and the first earth have passed away also. There was no more sea. Praise God. Hallelujah, Jesus. I don’t go to the ocean because I’m scared of sharks. That means that there’s no sea.
00:30:05:21 – 00:30:29:00
There won’t be no sharks. Y’all don’t get that, but I do. I’m real happy about that part. In the new heaven and a new earth, there won’t be no place for him to swim. And if they did, I think they’d be nice anyway. But I don’t like sharks, he says. Then I, John, saw the holy city and New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
00:30:29:03 – 00:30:50:11
And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them. And they shall be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. You remember a moment ago when we started the service, when I got up, she read from Matthew seven, I call that the most haunting verse of Scripture in all the Bible.
00:30:50:13 – 00:31:07:23
When Jesus stands and he looks people today in the eye on the judgment day and they say, Lord, Lord, did we not do many wonderful things in your name? Do we don’t do many miracles? Do we not cast out devils? Did we not prophesy in your name? And Jesus the judge looks at them and says, depart from me, you who work iniquity.
00:31:07:27 – 00:31:14:21
For I never knew you.
00:31:14:23 – 00:31:30:21
Y’all afraid to cancel culture? Let me tell you, don’t cancel culture you ought to be afraid of. Is that one? That’s only one you ought to be afraid to. I’m not afraid of somebody cancel me on Facebook. I’m just learning how to do that anyway. And by the way, I didn’t sign up for their subscription. Somebody don’t like me?
00:31:30:24 – 00:31:46:23
I just, like, stand in line. Take a number. There’s a whole big line to you in a few years, I don’t. It doesn’t matter. But the one I don’t want to be canceled by is the Lord Jesus. I don’t want to be canceled by him. So he says in this passage he says, look, there’s going to be a new heaven, a new earth.
00:31:46:23 – 00:32:10:12
But he says, but the the entire to that Matthew seven is, is right here. When, when those who don’t know Christ are banished. Revelation 20, the great white throne judgment cast into the lake of fire and brimstone forever, never apart from the glory part, from the presence of God. But the opposite of that is for those who put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ.
00:32:10:12 – 00:32:37:27
For those whose names have been written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, where are they going to dwell? They’re going to dwell in the presence of God forever. You. We got just a little touch of the glory of God this morning in worship right. You think that’s something? Can you imagine 24 seven for all of eternity, being in his presence?
00:32:37:29 – 00:33:28:05
Wow, that’s very opposite. Very opposite of the folks in revelation 20 who were cast into the lake of fire. And then he says this. I’ve got to hurry. Verse four, And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, and there shall be no more pain. For the former things have passed away, you know, as a believer I have authority by Christ, through Christ in Christ, to walk victoriously in this life, to be more than a conqueror over everything that this world and Satan and my dumb self sometimes throw at me.
00:33:28:07 – 00:33:55:27
I have that authority. But you know, the truth is, we still live in a fallen world. We still live in a world where bad things happen to good people. Let’s just be honest about that. We still live in a world that unless Jesus come soon, you’re going to stand at the graveside of a loved one one day and you’re going to feel the sting of death for a moment.
00:33:55:29 – 00:34:19:07
You’re going to feel the heartache of watching somebody you love leave this world. Now I get it. I, as a Christian, I. I’m not afraid to die. I, I’ve, I’ve long past that. I know that to die is to gain. For the Christian it’s never it’s not permanent. I tell people all the time that I meet people that are given a terminal disease or diagnosis of a disease.
00:34:19:07 – 00:34:40:05
And number one, I believe in healing. I believe God can heal, but I also believe the old woman healing. The old woman healing is when we leave this body behind. And that’s just the reality. One day the Bible tells us it is appointed unto man once to die and after this to judgment. In other words, you’re not going to get out of this, this life alive.
00:34:40:07 – 00:35:08:28
But this is just boot camp, friend. This is just when you leave this earth, it it means your life has just now really, really begun. Heaven is forever. And so I think about that. I think about those who die and the sorrow that brings being a pastor and being a pastor. As long as I’ve been, and I don’t I don’t even know how many funerals I’ve done this year.
00:35:09:00 – 00:35:28:10
I have an A book where I have a Bible, and I’ve kept record of most that I’ve done. I know I’ve done over 250 in my my career as a pastor. That means over 250 times I’ve stood with loved ones who lost a loved one, and I’ve stood at a graveside with them, and I have walked to the funeral home with them.
00:35:28:10 – 00:35:59:07
I’ve I’ve walked with the body out of the hospital with their loved one deceased. I’ve been there. I’ve been all of. There’s always the sting of death. And there’s tears that follow. There’s pain and sorrow that comes with that. And Jesus says he’s coming today when all that will be wiped away, there will be no more death. There will be no more sorrow.
00:35:59:10 – 00:36:24:08
There’ll be no more crying. I said glorious day. That’s a day that all of us can look for. He’s saying all of the things that you knew in this life are forever done away with. Where did. Where did sorrow would it pain? Where did. Where did sorrow? Where did crying come from? It came when Adam sinned. But if one day that’s going away, Jesus said, there’s a new heaven and a new earth coming.
00:36:24:10 – 00:36:44:12
And he said, then verse five, he says, then who sat on the throne said, behold, I make all things new. Behold, I make all things new. By the way, let me just say something to you this morning. I don’t know what you walked into this church service bearing when you came in, and it was, I don’t know what you’re carrying.
00:36:44:12 – 00:37:00:24
I don’t I don’t know what your week has been like. I don’t know the burdens that you’re carrying right now. I don’t know how much Satan has beat you up over your past. I don’t know what what bad news you’ve got this week. I don’t know how terrible your week may have been, but I just want to tell you something.
00:37:00:29 – 00:37:21:06
Jesus is saying to you, I can make all things new. I can give you a brand new start. Not just in this life or not just in the life to come, but in this life to. I love what the Bible says in second Corinthians chapter five verse 17, therefore if any man, any person, be in Christ, all things are passed away, and behold, all things become new.
00:37:21:10 – 00:37:38:11
I don’t know about you, but the day that I call upon the name of the Lord Jesus believed in my heart that God had, that he died for my sins, that God had raised him from the dead. In that moment, everything in my life, in my past that I was ashamed of, was placed under the blood. And I came up free.
00:37:38:12 – 00:37:56:14
I came up set free, and more than a conqueror in Jesus Christ. I came up that moment in victory. That’s why I love that owe him victory in Jesus. I stood at the graveside of the man one time, one time, and in Solemn Springs, Arkansas. The man who wrote that song. I looked at his tombstone, and you had a little button there.
00:37:56:14 – 00:38:25:07
You could push it. When you pushed it, it began to play that hymn. And is it played that hymn? I thought, death doesn’t have the victory. Sin doesn’t have the victory. Satan doesn’t have the victory, but rather I have victory in Jesus through his blood. And I have been set free, delivered. And I want you to know this morning, no matter what you came, no matter what you’re bearing, no matter where you’re at in life, you can have freedom and victory in Jesus name.
00:38:25:09 – 00:38:48:28
So he says this. He says all things become new. And he said to me, write, for these words are true and faithful. I like that word faithful. I’ve got to confess, there’s been times in my life I haven’t been faithful to Jesus. I wish I was. I’m still a work in progress. The Holy Spirit’s still working on me.
00:38:49:00 – 00:39:14:25
Every day it gets a little better. I think I’m becoming. I’m being conformed daily to his image. But, you know, what were they? I know was like that song was saying, I know that God is always faithful. He’s going to be faithful to the end. Even when I’m not faithful. He is. I don’t trust in myself, but I trust in him.
00:39:14:28 – 00:39:34:14
And so then look at verse six, I promise I’m almost done. Verse six. And he said to me, it is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. And I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirst. In other words, anybody who ever come to Jesus and they asked to drink.
00:39:34:14 – 00:39:51:03
You remember a few weeks ago I preached to the woman at the well, and she she’s standing there and here’s Jesus. And and he says, woman, would you give me something to drink? She says, I don’t mean to draw the water. With what? By the way, what’s your a Jewish man asking me? A Samaritan woman? He says, if you knew who it was, ask you to give a drink to, you would have give it to me.
00:39:51:09 – 00:40:11:03
And she says, Lord, I, I, I ain’t got nothing to drink with. He goes, listen, the water that I can give you is a water of life over flowing in abundance. And by the way, you take a drink of this water, you’ll never thirst again. I don’t know how many of you have ever been real, real thirsty. But I remember the age of 16.
00:40:11:05 – 00:40:30:07
I was laying in a hospital bed and no church and hills hospital tubes coming out my nose. My mouth was shut. I don’t know how many of you ever had braces set me on. My have braces right now. Imagine you got braces on your teeth and you take those braces and they take wires and they go back and forth until they wire your mouth shut.
00:40:30:07 – 00:40:50:24
Or you say nothing. Some of y’all going, where can I get a pair of those for my wife? No kidding. Don’t give. Where can I get a pair of those for my husband. They were so tight wired I couldn’t do nothing. And I’m laying there. And I don’t know if you’ve been in the hospital, but for some reason, when you’re in the hospital, they won’t give you nothing to drink.
00:40:50:26 – 00:41:07:17
Here, here’s a little sponge. I don’t want a sponge. I want something big. Bring me a gallon of water and I’m thirsty. And I thought, man, if I ever get the chance to drink again, I’m going to. I remember this commercial came on the TV. It was in my room. It was a waterfall thing. It was a beer commercial.
00:41:07:17 – 00:41:34:29
But all also was a waterfall. Unlike what I would give to just lay under that waterfall and just drink all I could. I was so thirsty. So I know what it is to physically thirst, but I also know it is to spiritually thirst. And I know what it is. When you get that spiritual drink and you’re satisfied like something in me, the need in me has been met that nobody else could meet except Jesus.
00:41:35:02 – 00:42:11:23
And now I don’t thirst spiritually like I did when I was without Jesus. And then in verse seven he says, and he who overcomes, he who overcomes, read that with me again. He who overcomes shall inherit what all things, all things. He who overcomes shall inherit all things. How do I become an overcomer? You become an overcomer by putting your faith and trust in Jesus, the one who overcame death, hell, and the grave, the one who conquered all things.
00:42:11:29 – 00:42:34:21
And when you do, you become a joint heir with him. He says, but he who overcomes shall inherit all things, and he and I will be his God, and he shall be my way. Son, you can put daughter in there to he’s been my son or my daughter. You know what that means when it says, you become my son?
00:42:34:24 – 00:42:56:18
That’s a place of position that that saying, I’m not, I’m not just anybody, but I’ve been called a son or I’ve been called a daughter. And by the way, not just then, not just what we’re reading now, but when you become a believer, when you trust in Jesus, when you’re filled with the Holy Spirit, you are a son or a daughter of God.
00:42:56:18 – 00:43:14:18
Don’t ever let anybody tell you differently. The devil may tell you you’re alive, but you tell him he’s a bigger liar and you let him know that you have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. And God looks at you as a son or daughter. Now. And so then he says, this is what I want you to get.
00:43:14:18 – 00:43:58:01
Verse eight, and I’m done for Satan. I’m done when I tell you to read the Bible, read it for yourself. Don’t read anybody else’s interpretation in the Bible. Read the Holy Spirit’s interpretation. Read it and see what it says. Look what he says. I’ve got to quit. I’ve got to shut down right here, he says. But the cowardly but no way would you would you notice the order that the Holy Spirit of God list these words, these descriptions of people he says about the cowardly?
00:43:58:04 – 00:44:32:03
The unbelieving, abominable murderers, sexually immoral sorcerers, those who do witchcraft, palm readers, witches. You understand where I’m going? Idolaters in all liars shall have their part. Where in the lake of fire which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death? I don’t be part of that group. By God’s grace. I’m not, because I put my faith and trust in my hope in Jesus and Him alone.
00:44:32:05 – 00:44:55:04
And I know, I know, I know, I know that my name has been written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, written there by blood. The blood of Jesus. And no man can erase that. If you don’t believe me, just go read Romans chapter eight, verse 38 and 39. Nothing can separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.
00:44:55:06 – 00:44:59:29
But let me end this this way.
00:45:00:01 – 00:45:05:14
00:45:05:16 – 00:45:22:17
I don’t think I have to convince anybody in this building today with a conscience that you’ve sinned against God, your own conscience speaks that to you.
00:45:22:19 – 00:45:54:19
In this passage is not talking about a Christian who stumbles in sin. I’ve made that very clear. She, as a Christian, I’ve been saved and redeemed, have been changed, but still have this flesh to deal with every day. And as I do, there’s going to be days that I stumble in sin. But I have a new nature in Christ and the Holy Spirit living in me.
00:45:54:19 – 00:46:25:19
When that happens, there’s immediate conviction from the Holy Spirit that is wrong, that is that hurts. Your father does not for you. That’s not who you’re called to be. And it immediately produces repentance in me. A repentant heart in repentance isn’t oh, God, I’m sorry. Repentance is God, I am so sorry. I don’t ever want to do this again.
00:46:25:22 – 00:46:29:28
I don’t ever want to do this again.
00:46:30:00 – 00:47:09:27
When you read of this passage right here, this is talking about people who do this, who live this way without repentance. It is the practice of their life day after day. They are a coward. Day after day they are sexually immoral. Day after day they are a liar. Day after day they have a murderous heart. Day after day they pursue sin and are not motivated to change in any way.
00:47:09:29 – 00:47:38:27
Listen to me church. The American church gospel today, which is far too American and not enough gospel, is a self-help gospel that says God will weak at sin. But listen to me. God will never. We had sin. I’m not trying to convince you to join a church today. I’m not even trying to convince you to get baptized because that can’t wash away your sin.
00:47:39:00 – 00:48:05:11
I’m not trying to plead with you to improve a better you, because the best you can still die and go to hell. What I’m pleading with you is, is to hear the gospel and that apart from the shed blood of Jesus Christ for your sin and your faith, hope, trust in him. You will be one of these people.
00:48:05:13 – 00:48:42:21
Why would Jesus say in Matthew seven? When those come to him and say, Lord, Lord, do we not prophesy in your name? Doesn’t that sound religious to you? Do we not cast out devils in your name? That sounds pretty religious to me. And what did he say? He said you work in iniquity. That means you who practice sin depart from me, for I never knew you.
00:48:42:24 – 00:48:51:12
Those are the people. The revelation 21 verse eight, talking about.
00:48:51:15 – 00:49:01:07
I’ve always heard this, and I still believe it today. You know, a person didn’t go to hell for being bad.
00:49:01:09 – 00:49:26:19
You know, when a person goes to hell because they rejected the truth, do you know there’s good a lot of good people go to hell. You know, there’s some bad people go to heaven. You don’t believe me? Looking that thief on the cross that you wasn’t good, even admitted I deserve. I deserve to get what I’m getting. I deserve to be where I’m at.
00:49:26:21 – 00:49:53:20
Because you know what the difference in those in those kind of people who are is the grace and the forgiveness of God. When you repent and believe the gospel, listen can be friends. I don’t care how many prayers you pray. I don’t care how many times you’ve been baptized to me, how many church services you attend, or how much money you’ve given in Jesus name.
00:49:53:22 – 00:50:25:07
If you’ve never had an encounter with the Christ that changed your heart concerning sin, you’re one of those people. According to the book, that’s going to stand there one day and be cast into the lake of fire. That’s it’s true and straight as I can shoot with you. That’s not the Baptist twist on it. That’s not the Methodist twist on it.
00:50:25:07 – 00:50:32:11
The Catholic too, you know, that’s the Bible. Straightforward and true.
00:50:32:13 – 00:51:01:20
I plead with you before I close this service to do what the Bible says. Let every person examine their heart, whether they see it. But to see it there in the faith. Ask yourself this question. Is the faith that you have in Jesus enough to change you so you can’t change yourself? I can’t change myself. The very best I could do would be as filthy rags before God.
00:51:01:23 – 00:51:20:22
I can’t come to him and offer him anything. All I can do is come and receive his goodness, his love, his mercy, his forgiveness of my sin. Not because of what I’ve done, but because of everything he did.
00:51:20:24 – 00:52:00:18
But does the salvation. That you have? Has it been enough to change your heart and your nature, your mind about sin? Or do you continue to make excuses for the sin you’ve lived in before you made a profession? See, it isn’t just about making a profession of Jesus. It’s also about him possessing you I got Jesus. Well, here’s the question does he have you?
00:52:00:20 – 00:52:38:06
Does he have you? Has the God of the Bible changed you? If not, let me say it. This is plain and simple as I can. If the God of the Bible hasn’t changed, you, then the God of this Bible has. It saved you. That’s his plain. In three years, I can say it. The New Testament knows nothing of someone who came and professed Jesus Christ as Savior and walked away, living in the same sin that came to him as.
00:52:38:09 – 00:52:54:13
Nothing. Every person that ever came by faith to Jesus and were truly saved by him were radically changed, and their heart was turned from sin.
00:52:54:16 – 00:53:11:06
Would you bow your heads with me for a moment? I have to be honest with you. That’s not the way I even envisioned I would close this sermon. I’m just trying to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in this moment.
00:53:11:09 – 00:53:28:04
I’m so grateful for each of you that are here today. Those watching online. I’m grateful that today you set aside time to give to the Lord and to worship. And it’s been a joy and a privilege to worship with you.
00:53:28:06 – 00:53:34:16
Boy, I feel this heavy. I feel this so heavy.
00:53:34:18 – 00:53:41:25
Before I close, how many of you in here today would say, Jeff?
00:53:41:28 – 00:54:06:28
I have put my faith wholly in Jesus and what he did on the cross for my sin. There’s no question in my heart of mind that he is raised from the dead. He’s alive, and I know that I know that I know that I know that he lives because he’s changed my life. How many of you could testify that just at year?
00:54:07:00 – 00:54:38:06
Praise God for that. How many of you are sitting here today? Just just honest like this is the most important. Question and decision you’d ever make in your life. How many of you would sit here today and say, pastor? Just being truthful, just being honest. If. A lot of what you preach today, a lot of what God’s Word said, I’m not sure.
00:54:38:09 – 00:54:49:24
I’m not sure if my name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. I’m not sure. Would I be one of those people that he spoke?
00:54:49:26 – 00:55:07:00
I need you to know I’m not asking that to condemn you. No, I ask that because I love you. More importantly, Jesus loves you. The Bible says that if we’ve not believed on the name of the Son of God, in other words, we didn’t believe that Jesus was who he said he was and did what he said he did.
00:55:07:03 – 00:55:28:09
The Bible says we’re condemned already in our sin. I’m not here to offer you condemnation. I’m over here to offer you hope and salvation. Freedom in Jesus today. So I wonder how many would just slip into your hands. Hey, preacher, would you pray for me in just a moment? Just pray for me. I am not sure my name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
00:55:28:09 – 00:55:42:27
I’m not sure. Yes, ma’am. Thank you. Just lift your hand. Thank you. God bless. You see several hands going up around the room. God bless you. Thank you for your honesty. Thank you for that.
00:55:42:29 – 00:56:03:21
I’m gonna ask our prayer team to get up and just come up to the front right now. Just come on. Perking. And I want to pray with those of you that raise your hand last. I just want to pray with you before we go that now I need you to understand some. My prayer can’t save you. When I’m going to pray, all I’m going to do is help lead you.
00:56:03:24 – 00:56:24:07
But I need you to talk to God. I need you to put it in your own words. I need you to mean it from your heart to God’s heart. Because here’s what I can promise you in this very fact that you raise your hand, tells me the Holy Spirit is speaking God himself is speaking to your heart in love, gentleness, and kindness.
00:56:24:07 – 00:56:27:09
Right now.
00:56:27:11 – 00:57:03:09
And so he’s listening. He’s initiated this with you, this conversation. That’s why you that’s why you feel that. So as you pray something like this, don’t pray it to me. You pray to Jesus. He’s listening. Something like this. Jesus, I believe you are who you said you were. You’re the Son of God. I believe you died on the cross to pay my sin debt.
00:57:03:11 – 00:57:13:10
I believe with my heart, with all that I am that you raised from the dead. Three days later.
00:57:13:13 – 00:57:46:00
And then you’d say something like this. Jesus, would you forgive me? Would you save me today? I turn away from my sin in my face. Jesus, I turn to you. I trust in you. Holy. Change me and save me. By your grace. If you prayed something like that in your own words to the Lord right there in that moment, and you didn’t have to say it out loud, he heard you.
00:57:46:00 – 00:58:19:14
He heard you. He hears your heart. But you minute that I want you to know today, you really meant it. Then you should have felt something in that moment in your heart, like a weight being lifted off. True faith in Jesus. Forgiveness of every sin you’ve ever committed. And right now, in this moment, he wants a relationship with you.
00:58:19:16 – 00:58:41:10
He loves you. So here’s what I want you to do. Would you, as we dismiss this service, if you prayed that prayer today asking him to come into your life, asking Jesus to save you, I get our prayer team ready here at the front. I want you to do this. Come up here today. Tell them you prayed to receive Jesus today as your Savior.
00:58:41:12 – 00:58:58:21
Tell them that. Let me tell you what I’m asking you to do that Jesus said that if we won’t confess him before men, he’ll not confess us before the father. And if you’re not ashamed of him, share that with some of the first tip. Share it with these. And any one of these prayer people up here appear to front men and women there.
00:58:58:21 – 00:59:20:01
Pray with you, they’ll pray with you. And maybe, maybe you’re a believer here. But if you’re just struggling through something, maybe you walked in here and you’ve got a heavy burden on your knee that you just want someone else to join in and and pray with you about it. These people that are standing at the front, I know them well.
00:59:20:03 – 00:59:40:05
I trust any one of these four if I need it, I need somebody pray for me. These are people I’m going to because I know them. Pray. I know they know Jesus, and they know they’re dialed in with the Holy Spirit. And lift me up and they will you to. I love you today. I’m so grateful you’re here for those visiting with us.
00:59:40:05 – 01:00:00:05
Thank you for worshiping with us today. You’ve been a honored guest. I hope you come back and visit again. We don’t pass an offering plate. If you want to give an offering today, there’s a milk carton in the back. You’re welcome to put an offering in there, if that’s what needs you to do. We love you. We thank you for being here and I pray God’s richest blessings on you today.
01:00:00:12 – 01:00:16:25
Cody, come up and dismiss in prayer. But when we get dismissed, I’ll be sent back. But our prayer team is still be up here at the front. If you need prayer today, please come. You made a decision to receive Jesus as your Savior. Please come share that with them. Let them pray over you. Let them pray God’s blessings over you.
01:00:17:02 – 01:00:25:21
Let them help you through whatever struggle you may be walking through. And Cody’s done praying. You’re dismissed.
01:00:25:23 – 01:00:55:16
I heard the word repentance mentioned several times, and, the Lord just wants me to to share with you what repentance in the original Greek language means is to turn away from. A lot of people told me who, and I was getting saved and set free and delivered that I need, repentance and repentance. And I’m like, I don’t really understand what that repentance means and what it what it means is in the Greek is to turn away from.
01:00:55:18 – 01:01:20:02
And once you turn away from that sin that you’ve committed or the sins that you’re dwelling in and doing in, and to turn away from that means to completely turn around from that and walk the different way, walk a different ending, walk to a different story. So to repent means to completely turn away from turn around and walk away from that and never look back for to that.
01:01:20:04 – 01:01:44:08
If you would go to with me in prayer. Father, we come to you this morning grateful for us for your word, and that our sponge of our mustard beings be like a sponge to absorb the words that pastors brought forth to us this morning. And I put a shield and a hedge of protection around that word, that whenever you leave out these double doors, that that word does not fall short, but that word sticks with you and goes throughout the week.
01:01:44:11 – 01:02:02:19
And that when when we do repent and we totally turn away from that which we’ve been doing, it is finished. It is over. We don’t have to carry those burdens, Lord, that we lift those burdens up to you, and we give them to you, Father God, because we are way too weak to carry our struggles. We give you our battles.
01:02:02:19 – 01:02:22:11
We give you the enemy, and we give you our family, our children, our grandchildren. And we give them all to you. Father God, I ask that you just place an angel to camp out around these people under the sound of my voice daily, father God, lead and guide and direct them and shore em up when they’re weak. Father.
01:02:22:14 – 01:02:41:15
It’s in Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen, Amen and amen.