Cody Wilkins

Love and Honor One Another

July 21, 2024

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In this sermon, Cody Wilkins shares his personal testimony of transformation through faith in Jesus Christ. He begins by explaining his tumultuous past, marked by a lack of belief in God and a life filled with anger and rebellious behavior, including bull riding as a way to cope with his inner turmoil. Cody discusses how his life changed when he encountered God’s love, honor, and peace, which led him to embrace a more compassionate and lawful way of living. He emphasizes the importance of love, peace, and joy as taught by God, and how these values helped him develop empathy and understanding for others’ pain and emotions.

Cody’s sermon also delves into the biblical concept of honor, particularly from Romans 12. He speaks about the challenges of living in a fast-paced world that often distracts us from hearing God’s subtle voice. He encourages the congregation to honor others genuinely, not just out of obligation or for personal gain, but from a place of sincere love and respect. Cody shares his own struggles with acceptance from his family after turning his life to Christ and highlights the importance of finding true family and support within the faith community. He underscores that true honor and love require personal involvement and a commitment to living out Christ’s teachings in everyday interactions.

Scriptures Referenced

Romans 12:9-11

Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;

Video Transcription

00:00:02:25 – 00:00:13:22
Good morning. Well, they did their part. Now let’s see if I can do mine.

00:00:13:24 – 00:00:44:26
Today I’m going to be in, Romans. Romans 12, verse ten, Romans 12, verse ten. But before I get into the word, I’m going to give you all a little backstory on me. For those that don’t know who I am, my name is Cody Wilkins. I go to open range Kingdom Church in Crum, Texas. the Lord has brought me here to the church, to be a part.

00:00:44:28 – 00:01:11:00
Not to rob, not to take away from, but to build and be a part of. I, first part of my life, was not so great. I didn’t believe in Jesus. I, did everything against the word of God, and I live my life, in misery, in hell. I really did, I didn’t care about anyone.

00:01:11:00 – 00:01:36:10
I didn’t care about myself. I didn’t love anyone. all I knew was hate, I hated everyone, I hated everybody, I hated everything, and the only thing they would would make me feel comfortable or to give me a peace of mind is, riding bulls, getting on bulls. I couldn’t play baseball. I didn’t play football because I was a sore loser.

00:01:36:13 – 00:01:56:14
And if we lost, it wasn’t my fault. It was everybody else’s fault. So my dad put me into bull riding. When I got into bull riding, if I got bucked off, it was only my fault. It was nobody else’s fault. So that’s how I got started riding bulls. But, it didn’t matter if I offended you. It didn’t matter if I hurt your feelings.

00:01:56:20 – 00:02:20:01
Matter of fact, I like that. That’s. That’s who I was. Because I was ignorant. I didn’t understand what it was like to be an upright citizen. I didn’t know what it meant to be a law abiding citizen, to actually obey the laws. if you tried pulling me over back in the day, hopefully you got a full tank of gas because we’re going for a ride.

00:02:20:03 – 00:02:48:12
You know? I’m just being real. That’s just who I was. I was ignorant. And then the Lord started showing me honor, love, peace, joy. And he instilled the, the serpent’s heart inside of me to feel everybody’s pain, their suffering, their love, their wills, their emotions. Right? Because our body’s made up of our mind, will and emotions.

00:02:48:14 – 00:03:08:08
So God started showing me the show me the. And as as I started to prepare my message, he he took me back to preparing me. And, that’s what I’m in. Romans. But before I get to verse ten, I’m a back up a little bit. I’m gonna go to verse nine. It says, let love be without hypocrites. Hypocrites.

00:03:08:08 – 00:03:38:21
See, Arber, what is evil? Cling to what is good. Okay. It says and this is it says right here in the Bible. But this is maturity. It says most of us have learned to pretend to love others. That’s what I did. I pretended to love other people, but in my own self, I knew that I could care less if they died or I don’t care about these people, but I would put on a front.

00:03:38:21 – 00:03:59:07
I would put on a fake when I would get around people who pretend like I loved them, pretend like I cared about what they had to say, pretended like I cared about their feelings in their heart as these people were like pouring out their pouring out to me. I could care less, you know? It didn’t matter to me.

00:03:59:09 – 00:04:25:03
How to speak kindly. Avoiding. Hurt, avoiding. Avoid hurting their feelings and appeared to take an interest in them. We may be even. We may even be skilled in pretending to feel, moved with compassion when we hear of other’s needs. When we hear their needs, we. I would feel that like, oh my gosh, how can I help you?

00:04:25:03 – 00:04:39:04
How could I do this? How could I do that? But I had no integrity. So if I said something, I would never going to meet up to it because I just wasn’t going to do it unless it benefited me, then I would, then I would do it.

00:04:39:06 – 00:04:53:12
But God calls us to real and sincere love that goes far beyond the presence and politeness of you and I.

00:04:53:15 – 00:05:18:13
Personal involvement in someone’s life means a lot. Because just like they said just a minute ago, I might not be able to pray for my kid, but somebody else could. Somebody else could come and pray for my kid. Somebody else could come and set my kids free. I’ve been working on this guy for so long and so long and so long, and it seems like I couldn’t get through to him.

00:05:18:15 – 00:05:34:14
But then somebody else comes in and says a few words and boom, there they are, set free. Right there. That’s love. That’s what the Bible is about. That’s what Jesus wants us to do.

00:05:34:16 – 00:06:02:19
It demands our time, money and love. And, it involves, it demands our time, money and personal involvement. No individual has the capacity to experience love to a whole community. It. I can’t go out and love every single person in the whole community and make things better. But with all of us, we could go out into the community and make it a better place, right?

00:06:02:19 – 00:06:12:08
It takes more than just one person. Only Jesus could do that. Not anybody else. Only Jesus.

00:06:12:11 – 00:06:23:26
Act is Christ in your town and your fellow believers could love your community for Christ.

00:06:23:28 – 00:06:36:08
Now verse ten, be devoted to one another in brotherly love, giving preference to one another in honor.

00:06:36:11 – 00:07:11:10
The original Greek word for honor means worth or value, your self worth or value. Honor was a way. honor was was a place where back in the day, back in the early times. What your honor and your your, self-worth was about where you stood. If you are a awesome man, if you’re a great woman, if you’re a good person, you’re probably going to be a leader.

00:07:11:10 – 00:07:23:11
You’re probably going to be an alpha. But if you are a misfit, if you’re a thug to the side, your self-worth made you who you were.

00:07:23:14 – 00:07:57:11
Which determines a person’s worth, as in their price or value to the community. A lot of times we can say a lot of things and do a lot of things, but talking about something only goes so far. But when you start showing it in your actions, when you start showing it on the streets outside of these four walls of the church house, that’s when it starts to develop a personal one on one relationship with you and the Heavenly Father.

00:07:57:14 – 00:08:22:04
We can honor others in 1 or 2 ways. One involves. Ulterior motives. We honor our bosses so they will reward us. How many people? I will speak for myself. I’m a devoted man. So my job, I don’t care what time of day it is. I got to be at work. I got to I got to be devoted to my boss.

00:08:22:06 – 00:08:43:02
And whatever comes in between that. I’m sorry. I can’t do nothing because I have to be devoted to my boss. Right. And I will give everything to my boss. How many blood, sweat, tears, hundreds of hours at work. I would give all this to him, right? Everything to him. So they would reward us, our employees, so they will work.

00:08:43:08 – 00:08:52:17
Or if we’re the boss, our employees. So they will work harder for us.

00:08:52:20 – 00:09:19:26
The wealthy. So they will continue to contribute to our causes, the powerful. So they will use their powers for us instead of against us. It’s all things we do to man, to honor the man, to honor that person, to to build up that person. We can’t do this because then we might not get this, or we can’t talk like this because he might do this.

00:09:19:29 – 00:09:50:03
Every time I would get into an argument with myself, it was because I was giving more to man than I was given to the Holy Spirit. I was giving more to man than I was the Holy Spirit of God is God’s other ways, involves love. As Christians, we honor people because they have been created in God’s image, because they are our brothers and our sisters in Christ.

00:09:50:05 – 00:10:12:27
And because they have a unique contribution to Christ. This church, this house, this building is not the church. This is just a place where we gather to sharpen our swords. And then we come in on Sunday mornings. We we fill our spiritual tanks back up because by the end of the week were drained or exhausted, were merely tired.

00:10:12:27 – 00:10:39:22
We want to quit our jobs. We want to just be done with everything. Just lay down. Just give up right? Because the world we are living in today is so fast. It’s 440. We’re always going, going, going, going, going, going and going. We never have time to actually slow down and hear God’s voice because actually God’s voice is so soft, is so subtle that the birds have to stop their peeping to hear him.

00:10:39:24 – 00:10:56:21
That’s that’s powerful. if a bird has to be quiet to hear God’s voice, imagine what we got to do with our minds.

00:10:56:23 – 00:11:04:29
Does God’s way of honoring others sound too difficult for your competitive nature?

00:11:05:01 – 00:11:33:03
Does does God’s way of honoring others sound too difficult for honoring for your competitive nature? Why not try to outdo one another and showing honor? Why not try to be better than he was the day before? Because when I was, when I was growing up and when I was when I was living in life, when I was drinking beer, when I was doing drugs, when I was partying like a rock star.

00:11:33:06 – 00:11:50:27
My whole family loved me unconditionally. They loved me unconditionally. I was the best kid that ever walked this earth. But as soon as I stepped on the other side of that fence and I gave myself to the Holy Spirit, I gave myself to the Lord. And I told him I was going to do what he wanted me to do, instead of doing what I wanted to do.

00:11:50:29 – 00:12:13:13
They pushed me to the wayside. You’re in a cult. You’re never going to be the same. They’re just brainwashing you. Who’s brainwashing me? Jesus. I mean, I should have figured that out yet. Come on. Right. It’s time for an amen there. But, And I hope. I hope they’re watching because, I even sent out a text to my mom.

00:12:13:13 – 00:12:33:09
My dad? Hey. I’m preaching. It was kind of cowboy church. I’d love to see y’all. I love y’all to come out. And nobody knows my. I’m down here, but they’re not here. My mother in law is here. My my father in law is here. My best friend’s here. My daughter’s here. Their family’s here. That’s my family. That’s my family’s.

00:12:33:12 – 00:13:04:12
And God is my true father. God is all of our true father and was through him. All things are possible. Our day to day walks, our griefs, our anxieties, our worries, our Charles, our tribulations are all the Heavenly Father’s. So why do we walk around struggling with all that so much? Why do we walk around with this anxiety of this weight?

00:13:04:12 – 00:13:27:15
And in the original language of the Hebrews, original language, anxiety means to strangle. So. So what it’s doing is actually strangling the life out of you with anxiety. It’s the enemy living within the most inner side of you that tries to strangle you from the inside out. That’s what it says in the Hebrews language anxiety.

00:13:27:17 – 00:13:55:10
What are the characteristics of honor? Glad you asked. It is a quality of a person that is both social teaching and personal ethics. We have some people that can teach really well. We have some people that can preach really well. We have some people that can evangelize really well. We have some people that can bring people into Christ and get them baptized and saved and set free and delivered.

00:13:55:12 – 00:14:23:17
And then we have people that have personal ethics within themselves that can to define one another. If you wonder why people come up to you and ask you for things that you’ve been through, that’s because you can relate to those people. That’s because you can relate to those people. God took you through those trials and tribulations to pray for others in that situation.

00:14:23:19 – 00:14:51:16
So you wonder, God, why am I going through this right now? Why am I going through this heartache? Why am I going through the struggles? Why can’t my finances be blessed? Why can’t I make ends meet? It’s because you’re going through a season of a trial, because there’s going to be somebody coming that has been hurting and longing for the same thing you have, but I can’t go to them and talk to them about, being an okay person because I never wasn’t okay person.

00:14:51:16 – 00:15:09:13
I was a misfit, I can’t I was a drug addict, I was a crackhead. I’m being real. That’s who I was. So when these people start coming up to my house and my wife and kids are freaking out because there’s some wild dude out in the front yard. Look, is Jesus bringing them? Because I’ve been in their shoes.

00:15:09:15 – 00:15:30:01
I’ve been there right where they’re at, and all they’re looking for is love. All they’re looking for is a hug and, you know, money because I know right where you going? But I got some prayer and I got some love. And I got some food in the house if you need it. Other than that, we’re good. So the reason why you’re going through the trials you’re going through is because there’s somebody coming for you.

00:15:30:04 – 00:15:42:29
There needs your prayers, the needs, what you had and how can you give it to them? Because you’ve been there and you’ve experienced it, so you can relate to that person.

00:15:43:01 – 00:16:17:27
The ethics that manifest itself as a code of conduct and has various elements such as these are all Greek words. I butcher a couple, but, the Volare. Volare means great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle. Whenever I started praying over people and whenever I started praying, I would get discouraged because I didn’t feel like my prayers were powerful enough to pray for people, if that makes sense.

00:16:17:29 – 00:16:41:21
But then he says, you’re a warrior. You’re a fighter, and in that you have great courage and in the face of danger, especially in battle. When the room gets dark, when the night gets dark, when the darkness tries to come over the light, all we have to do is ask for the light. And the light will always outshine the darkness.

00:16:41:24 – 00:17:06:14
Always outshine the darkness. Whenever I was, whenever I was first getting into it, it was like I had this maglite and I put tape all around it and just put like a little pinhole in the middle of it, and I couldn’t see. I can’t do nothing. I was lost, but the more I dug into the word and the more I got into the Holy Spirit, the more of that light started to open up, the more that light started to shine.

00:17:06:16 – 00:17:23:13
And in the heat of the moment, and then the heat of the battle, I call on the name of Jesus. And he never fails me. He never leaves me nor forsake me. He’s always there and he will do the same for y’all. He will always be there. Every single time might not be in our timing because he’s not a microwaveable god.

00:17:23:16 – 00:17:43:15
It’s in God’s timing because his timing is perfect. There’s some of you that’s been waiting on something and you’re like, Lord, I’ve been praying about this. When? When is the time? When is the time? It’s his timing, not our timing.

00:17:43:17 – 00:18:19:29
Shell. Very polite, kind and unselfish behavior. Honesty. Showing respect towards others and having integrity and self-awareness. Compassion to suffer together. It is defined as the feeling that arises when you are confronted with one another, suffering, and feel motivated to relieve their suffering. What that means is when somebody comes to you and they ask you to pray for them, right?

00:18:20:01 – 00:18:42:00
And you get the feeling, you get the sense. The Holy Spirit shows you what they’re dealing with and what they’re going through. It gives you great suffering to feel the pain that they’re feeling because you’ve been there. Like I said, the people that are going to be coming to you are the people that are coming to you. There’s going to be people that seriously need prayer, and the only way they’re going to get it is through y’all.

00:18:42:02 – 00:18:57:06
That’s the only way. And you can feel that pain. You can feel that suffering because you’ve been there before. You’ve been there.

00:18:57:08 – 00:19:25:15
Not lagging behind in diligence forever and spirit serving the Lord. Rejoice in hope. Preserving in tribulation. Devoted to prayer. If we can honor all the things so. So I honored, bull riding and rodeo and the rough stock that was, my God, that was everything to me. That was my life. That was my passion. That’s what I was going to retire.

00:19:25:17 – 00:19:33:27
that’s what I was. I was going to be the best I ever could. And there was no Jesus in anywhere in that.

00:19:34:00 – 00:19:54:09
And I was having a hard time praying. I was having a hard time discovering who I was in Christ, because I wasn’t devoting myself to him like I was everything else. He said if he had put that math pipe down and spent as much time with me as you do that mad pipe, you might get somewhere. But my what?

00:19:54:12 – 00:20:17:18
Like like he speaks to me real. Like I just have a conversation with him. He has a conversation back with me and and he tells me like it is. And a lot of people might get offended by being being told things, but sometimes people bring. Sometimes God will bring somebody into your life to speak something to you that the other people around you doesn’t have the courage to say, or the gall to say.

00:20:17:25 – 00:20:42:27
It’s not out of hate. It’s not trying to be mean. It’s out of love for for one another. And once I started devoting myself to God, that’s when my life started changing around. That’s when I started doing better. But the people that were surrounded me my whole life that I thought were my best friends. I thought we would grow old together, never go away.

00:20:42:29 – 00:21:07:20
They started fading away. Little by, little by, little by, little by little. There is nobody left. Nobody. And I’m my lord. What is going on? He said, oh, they’ll be back. Like, all right. Sure enough, something goes down. Stuff hits the fan. Hey, my phone’s ringing. Hey, I need you to pray for me. I didn’t think he believed in Jesus.

00:21:07:20 – 00:21:25:13
What are you talking about? Let me pray. He’s like, oh, yeah, I need you. I know you pray and I need you to pray for me. Awesome. That’s the times we wait because God will show us things that we could pray for somebody for. But until God releases us to go, pray for that person, we sit there and we meditate on it.

00:21:25:13 – 00:21:52:25
Because nine times out of ten, if God shows you something to pray for, that person is going to come to you. You’re not going to have to go to that person. And in learning that, I destroyed a lot of lives, because God has given me some gifts, and I’ll explain a little bit of that. God guys gave me the gift of healing, and God’s giving me the gift of the inside of people.

00:21:52:28 – 00:22:14:14
I can read people pretty easily, and, that scares a lot of people, but it’s not scary. It scared me real bad. I thought I was having nightmares, wasn’t nightmares. It was just things that everybody’s dealing with. And that’s. That’s the heart of God that I was talking. That he is still into me seeing people through like, God’s lenses.

00:22:14:17 – 00:22:32:24
and, it’s awesome. It’s an awesome thing. But but what that does is when I was learning this gift, as soon as I would see something, I would go to the church I would like. I cannot wait till Sunday morning. I’m going over there. I’m praying for that person. I would go there and, pray for that person.

00:22:32:24 – 00:22:53:03
I’d never see that person again. Like, oh boy. Well, after about 10 or 15, maybe 20 or 30 of these people not never seeing again, I go to my pastor and I’m like, pops, I heard from the Lord, I know I did. I went and prayed for that person. Where they at? But you ran them off. What? What do you mean?

00:22:53:03 – 00:23:28:00
I ran them off. They said you you heard the word, but you spoke it out of God’s timing and it offended them. So what I had to learn was I had to be patient with the words that God gives me. And I have to meditate on that word, and I have to pray over that word. So when God gives y’all something and God gives y’all a word, the house on the rock, when God gives you the word, you meditate on that word until he releases you to say that right?

00:23:28:03 – 00:23:45:28
This this morning, that saint closing. this morning during worship, I was feeling a lot of sorrow. I was feeling a lot of pain, a lot of rejection. Of not being loved, not feeling wanted, being used.

00:23:46:01 – 00:24:06:19
That’s. That’s lies from the enemy. But you look at yourself in the mirror and you beat yourself up one side and down the other about how ugly I am, how fat I am, how disgusting I look. I can’t believe I did this, I can’t believe I did that. That’s starts from the enemy to separate you from Jesus Christ.

00:24:06:26 – 00:24:28:15
That’s not God. I call it a head thought. If I get something that comes to my head, I’ll hold on to that until I feel it here in my most inner being, because that’s Holy Spirit. You ever done something like I’m saying, go do this. I know I’m getting in trouble. You get like that gut feeling like, oh, like that’s that’s Jesus really hitting you in your most inner being.

00:24:28:17 – 00:24:46:24
So until I feel that I don’t do anything. But what I heard was, there’s people that’s hurting this morning. There’s people that’s upset. They don’t know what to do. They don’t know where to go. They don’t know where to turn.

00:24:46:27 – 00:25:13:27
And they just never been taught the right way. So in closing, Gator, you come on, Rick, when you come up, Dennis, wherever you’re at, when you come up. Melissa, I’m gonna have these guys standing up here. they’re they’re going to be willing to pray for y’all. Pray over y’all. I’m gonna pray, but don’t. Jesus wants me to let y’all know to not hold back.

00:25:14:00 – 00:25:36:22
Because the more you hold back, the more the enemy is going to intercede in your life, the more torment, and the more hell is going to come your way through the trials, in the tribulations. Give all your worry, give all your doubt, give all your anxiety, your self-worth. Give everything to Jesus.

00:25:36:24 – 00:25:57:03
Everything to God. You don’t leave nothing back. I would go and I would give God all of my things. I would take him over here. I would give him everything. But then I go to walk back away and I’m like, hold on, those things were too big. I’ll go get them back. I’m going to take those back with me because they’re too big for God to handle, and I’ll put them back in my sack.

00:25:57:03 – 00:26:13:19
Right. And then eventually my sack would get so full and so overloaded that I didn’t know what to do, and I would just throw up on people, vomit on people. All of my mess things I’ve been holding on to for half my life. I would just throw it up on them and they’re like, whoa, what is going on?

00:26:13:21 – 00:26:38:13
What it is, is the enemy is trying to isolate you, to keep you captive. And that’s not right. He has no authority to hold any one of us. And the sound of my voice captive at all, he has no authority. He’s a liar. And he’s a thief. All he does is comes to kill, steal and destroy. Relationships, marriages, friendships.

00:26:38:16 – 00:27:10:03
That’s what he does. He cannot tell the truth. And in the time of suffering, it’s in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. They will push him away for a minute, but in your quiet time, if it gets too deep, it’s the blood of Jesus that will wash him away. It’s the blood of Jesus that will wash him out if it gets too scary in your dark place, if it gets too hard in your dark place and you feel like there’s nowhere else to go, there’s that escape.

00:27:10:05 – 00:27:35:01
Witness the blood of Jesus. There’s more in the hem of his garment than all of the enemies and his friends, his disciples. There’s more love, grace, and compassion in the hem of the garments they dropped out on the floor than the authority that holds in the demonic realm.

00:27:35:03 – 00:27:56:15
So, Father God, I come to you right now. Lord, just thanking you for this word. Lord, I thank you for the the time to be up here. I’m so thankful for that. I’m thankful for Pastor Jeff for allowing me to come up here. But right now, if there’s anyone under the sound of my voice that is going through anything that I’ve mentioned, I would ask them not to be scared.

00:27:56:20 – 00:28:15:21
I would ask them not to be frightened, not to listen to that voice inside their heads saying, no, don’t go up there. You’re going to look crazy if you go up there. No, what’s looking crazy is sitting in your seat, still listening to that voice.

00:28:15:24 – 00:28:34:25
So right now, Father God, I just thank you for everything you do for us. I thank you for lead guide and directing us. Father God, and I ask that you take the burdens, and I ask that you take the anxieties in you. We cast them up to you, Father God, it’s in Jesus name. I pray. Amen, Amen and amen.

00:28:34:28 – 00:28:36:04
Thank y’all. Y’all have a.


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